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Our specialist team of wills and probate solicitors are here to help, and can provide you with the expert wills and probate resources you need to resolve your situation.

Wills & Probate Resources


Our lives are being becoming increasingly digital, so how do we protect our online belongings in our Will?
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The outbreak of coronavirus earlier this year forced the UK into lockdown for the best part of four months. We discuss what the current requirements for witnessing a will are.
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If someone lacks the mental capacity to make their own financial or welfare decisions, it is likely they lack the ability to make a will. This is where a statutory will is necessary. 
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If someone with dementia becomes too ill to make informed decisions, you can take on the role of decision-maker by becoming their deputy.
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If you are selling a house as an attorney for someone it is important to check which kind of Power of Attorney you have. To act on the sale of a property you have to have been appointed in an EPA or a Property and Financial LPA.
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Writing a will is something that every person at some stage in their life needs to think about, but actually knowing how to correctly write one is a common issue. In this guide, we explain 7 primary factors people should consider before they begin the will writing process.
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With dementia on the rise, the risk of losing mental capacity with no lasting power of attorney in place is increasing.
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There are a number of different life events that could impact your will. This post considers some of the most common reasons that you might need to change the document to ensure it is up to date, as it might be that you created your will years ago and don’t remember the exact instructions for executors.
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People in later life are unlocking the value of their property and turning it into a lump sum, but how does equity release affect the inheritance of your family?
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