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Our employment law team are here to help with your disability discrimination at work claim and can provide you with the expert employment law advice you need to resolve your situation.

Disability Discrimination Claims

If you have been the victim of disability discrimination at work, our employment lawyers are here to help you. We handle disability discrimination claims with the utmost care and sensitivity, and will work tirelessly to secure the outcome to legal proceedings that you deserve. Our disability discrimination lawyers will work with you to gather evidence to support your claim, and will provide cost-effective and practical legal advice that puts you in the best position.

We have been providing legal services to people across the Wirral, Liverpool and further afield for more than 100 years, so we are confident that we can help you. Speak to our expert lawyers today about your disability discrimination claim by calling 0151 666 9090, or complete our online enquiry form and we will contact you at a time that is convenient for you.

How can our disability discrimination lawyers help you?

Our experienced discrimination lawyers have the knowledge required to challenge employers who are not acting in accordance with disability discrimination law. We understand that speaking up against disability discrimination at work can be incredibly difficult, which is why we will do our utmost to take the stress off you when handling your case. Our team knows that employees are very often reluctant to bring a case against their current or former employer, which is why we promise to provide the legal support you need throughout your case, from start to finish.

We have dealt with cases where employees with disabilities have been treated unfairly in the following ways:

  • Being treated less favourably than a colleague without a disability
  • Being subjected to jokes or comments made about their condition by colleagues or managers
  • Being expected to carry out a task that their colleagues do, despite this not being possible because of their disability
  • Being expected to work at times that impact their treatment

The employment lawyers at Percy Hughes & Roberts have represented many individuals who have been subjected to disability discrimination at work. We are ready to help you every step of the way with this complicated legal matter.

Why choose Percy Hughes & Roberts Solicitors?

By choosing Percy Hughes & Roberts to handle your disability discrimination claim, you can rest assured that we will support you every step of the way. We are completely committed to delivering the highest standard of service to the people of the Wirral, Liverpool and Merseyside, where we have been providing legal advice for more than a century. We hold a number of industry accreditations, including Lexcel, the Law Society's quality standard. This means we are recognised for providing top-tier legal services to our clients.


What is disability discrimination at work?

Disability discrimination is when you are treated unfairly at work because of a mental or physical disability. If you have been treated less favourably due to your disability, or your employers have failed to make reasonable adjustments, you may be able to take action against them. There are laws in place to protect individuals from discrimination on these grounds. From 1 October 2010, the Equality Act replaced most of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). However, the Disability Equality Duty in the DDA continues to apply.

If you feel you have been discriminated against at work on the grounds of disability by your employer or co-worker, you have a right to make a claim to an Employment Tribunal. You may be eligible for compensation if the tribunal upholds your claim.

What forms can disability discrimination at work take?

The following types of discrimination are considered unlawful:

  • Direct - when an individual is treated less favourably than someone else because of their disability in comparable circumstances
  • Discrimination arising from disability- when an individual is treated unfavourably because of something arising in consequence of their disability.
  • Indirect - when a policy or practice is put in place that has a negative effect on the disabled person more than others in similar situations
  • Harassment - when the disabled person is harassed specifically because of their disability, which has a negative effect on their dignity and can create an environment that is hostile, degrading and humiliating
  • Victimisation - when an individual is specifically picked on because they have pursued their rights under a specific legislation, for example if they have made a complaint
  • Not complying with the Equality Act - failing to make reasonable adjustments in the workplace to meet the needs of a disabled individual

How do I know if I am being discriminated against?

Disability discrimination comes in many forms, and could range in severity. For example it is discriminatory for your supervisor to fail to provide you with certain equipment if the standard type you are using is difficult due to your disability. Discrimination can also be deliberate and abusive.

Disability discrimination is often overlooked or viewed as less serious than other types of discrimination. Very often, people living with a disability are unaware of their legal rights, so may not know they are eligible to pursue a disability discrimination claim.

Who can be held accountable for disability discrimination at work?

An employer can be held responsible for the conduct of their employees, giving rise to claims against businesses or organisations. If you believe you have been discriminated against because of a disability, we can help.

Get in touch

To speak to the disability discrimination lawyers at Percy Hughes & Roberts, give us a call on 0151 666 9090, or complete the enquiry form on our contact page to send us a query by email.

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Drop us a line and we’ll contact you to see how we can help.


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